Thursday, July 30, 2009

down the rabbit hole...

ok in a seriousness people... im sorry. the last two weeks can be summed up with one word! PARTY! and party i did... ill start at the beginning. 2 weeks back i got made redundant from my very interesting construction job. that sucks your thinking! yes? well no! im sorry but me being made redundant at the end of a financial year is possibly the best thing ever! big tax payout plus bonus and redundancey payouts i have money to burn and no commmitments! so lets party!

drugs booze women we were rolling in it! there were many amazing nights and if u know me u have seen the proof! i have made boys for life. i feel in the last two weeks ive matured more then i have in the last 10 years of my life! to the people that have enjoied the last 2 weeks with me... u are people that will forever be held in my heart as enjoing the best moments of my life with me!

i am working towards creating an empire.. changing brisbane and the world... in i invite u all to change it with me.... inkpropaganda.... can never be silanced...

next blog will be a photo journey... enjoi!

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